Bridging The Gap
- Making sure hunger is not an issue on the weekend.
- What We Do
Bridging the Gap is a mobile food distribution program that visits low-income elementary schools in Weber and Ogden School Districts each Thursday and Friday. Students are given two bags of healthy, easy-to-prepare meals and snacks to sustain them through the weekend.
- How We Do It
Two bags of groceries will be provided to students every Thursday and Friday throughout the school year. We also provide Pantry Packs to schools to distribute to students who need additional food resources. Find more information on how to prepare and donate Pantry Packs here.
- Who We Help
Within Davis and Weber Counties, approximately 20,000 students are on free and reduced breakfast and lunch programs. While most of these children can avoid hunger during the week because of free and reduced lunches at school, that is not the case on Saturdays and Sundays.

Program Details
- Location and Hours
Hours are determined by each school and will vary based by location.
- Eligibility To qualify for this program, students must be attending one of our partnering schools. All students at those schools will receive the services provided in this program. If you would like your child’s school to become a partner with Bridging the Gap, please encourage your school leadership to reach out to our staff.
- Contact
Durrell Annis, Office Manager
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(801) 428-1291