The success of Catholic Community Services’ mission to provide help and create hope is driven by the dedication of our volunteers, partners, and community members. The time, energy, and compassion that our volunteers pour into partnering with CCS impacts the lives of thousands of people every year. Whether you have a heart for those impacted by homelessness and food insecurity or supporting refugees as they settle into a new way of life, CCS provides volunteer opportunities in line with the issues you are most passionate about.
Food Pantry Volunteer
Food Pantry Volunteers will assist in stocking shelves, greeting clients, assisting clients as they pick out groceries, and other projects around the food pantry.
Refugee ESL Tutor
ESL Tutors will provide CCS' Refugee Resettlement clients with supplemental instruction from English as a Second Language classes to improve English language skills.
Refugee Family Mentor
Refugee Family Mentors reinforce the work of CCS staff by supporting clients in their cultural adjustment to the United States during their first two years of resettlement. CCS provides Family Mentors with tasks to work on with client families as they work towards self-sufficiency.
Refugee Job Development Volunteer
The Job Development Volunteer will assist the Job Development team with their efforts assisting refugee clients with finding jobs in the United States.
Refugee Maternal Health Volunteer
The Maternal Health Volunteer supports and empowers expecting and new mothers as they learn to navigate life and motherhood in the United States.
Refugee Public Transit Orientation Volunteer
Volunteers will join clients as they practice using public transportation to get to places they visit frequently.
Refugee Youth Mentor
Youth Mentors will be matched with one of our recently arrived refugee youth. The Mentee’s are anywhere from late Elementary to High School age.
Refugee Youth Tutor
Youth Tutors will be matched with refugee youth from our Refugee Foster Care program or a refugee family in our Refugee Resettlement department.
Sharehouse Volunteer
As a Sharehouse volunteer, you will be assisting our Sharehouse Coordinator with picking up donations, sorting and organizing at the Sharehouse, or even helping to set up the homes of our refugee clients before they arrive.
Warehouse Volunteer
Warehouse Volunteers will assist in sorting donated food items, as well as assembling boxes and bags of food for clients.
Weigand Resource Center Clothing Room Volunteer
The Weigand Resource Center clothing room provides clients with clothing assistance. Volunteers will welcome clients, explain how the clothing room operates, assist clients with selections, and record client selections.
Weigand Resource Center Volunteer
Weigand Resource Center volunteers may assist in checking clients in, managing and cleaning storage areas, and maintaining cleanliness. Volunteers may also provide assistance in the laundry and computer rooms.