Refugee Family Mentors reinforce the work of CCS staff by supporting clients in their cultural adjustment to the United States during their first two years of resettlement. CCS provides Family Mentors with tasks to work on with client families as they work towards self-sufficiency.

  • Additional Info

    GROUPS ALLOWED: This opportunity is comprised of groups of individuals, or Family Mentor groups. You may either create your own group or apply as an individual and we will place you with other community members to work with one client family.

    AGE REQUIREMENTS: 18+; Must be over 21 to drive clients.

    COURT-ORDERED VOLUNTEER HOURS: This role is not suited for those wishing to complete court-ordered volunteer hours.


    Hear about one Family Mentor's experience below.


  • Location

    Salt Lake County

  • Time Commitment

    Volunteers are asked to set aside 2-5 hours a week for 6 months. If possible, we’d like Family Mentors to commit to a year of service.

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