In a world marked by upheaval and displacement, the need for compassion and support has never been more evident. Refugee Foster Care stands as a beacon of hope for those who have endured the harrowing challenges of forced migration. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of Refugee Foster Care and provide insights on how you can actively get involved in making a positive impact on the lives of displaced children.
The Global Crisis: As of May 2023, over 110 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced due to a myriad of factors, including community violence, war, persecution, famine, and natural disasters. Among this staggering number, a heart-wrenching 41% are innocent children, robbed of their homes, stability, and sometimes even their families.
The Role of Refugee Foster Care: Refugee Foster Care plays a crucial role in offering temporary care and support to children who have been separated from their families or have arrived in a new country without a caregiver. By providing youth with a loving and stable environment refugee foster parents can be conduits of healing.
Foster parents join a compassionate and dedicated team committed to the well-being of the child. This team includes case workers, family consultants, therapists, transition into adult living coaches, educators, and other professionals working collaboratively to provide a comprehensive support network. The foster parent becomes an integral part of this collective effort, contributing their unique insights, love, and care to the child's journey of healing and growth. Together, this team strives to create a nurturing environment that fosters stability, resilience, and positive development for the child in their care.
Below you'll find a few ways, becoming a Refugee Foster Parent and otherwise, that you can get involved and support this program.
Attend an Information Meeting: Information meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday of each month. Attend a session to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and rewards associated with refugee foster care. Fill out this form to register for the next meeting.
Complete Training and Certification: To become a foster parent, you will need to complete a 5-week training course, background check, and a home assessment. Embrace the learning process to ensure you are well-prepared for the unique needs of refugee children.
Respite Foster Care: Respite Foster Care parents are licensed the same as a foster parent, but they are open to placements that are less than 10 days at a time.
Independent Living Housing Provider (ILHP): As an Independent Living Housing Provider, you will rent a room to youth who no longer need the extra guidance of a foster family, but are not ready to be entirely on their own. Unlike families fostering refugees, Independent Living Housing Providers (ILHP) are not legally responsible for the youth in their home, but provide guidance and help teach skills necessary for successful independence, like cooking, budgeting, and maintaining a household. ILHPs are paid monthly rent by the youth, negotiated before a youth moves into the home.
Become a Mentor: The Youth Mentor’s role is to be a friend to their mentee, help them adjust to their new cultural environment, discover, and develop their strength, and engage with others in the community in positive ways. Mentors will also plan fun and meaningful activities to do with the mentee.
Be a Tutor: Youth Tutors are available to help with anything school related. You will be asked to support them in their education through tutoring. Youth tutors may also assist students beyond schoolwork. Some help youth prepare for the GED, or even a driver's test.
Refugee Foster Care is a powerful testament to humanity's ability to extend compassion and support to those in need. By getting involved in this noble cause, you not only provide a temporary home for displaced youth but also contribute to their healing and resilience. Let us unite in bridging hearts and creating a brighter future for those who have faced the darkest corners of our world.
Learn more about Refugee Foster Care here.