Since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and the influx of refugee arrivals in Utah, CCS has seen our community members step in to provide assistance in a variety of ways.  

One company that has made a major impact in the lives of CCS’ Refugee Resettlement clients is the Wasatch Group, which owns and operates residential apartment complexes, as well as other companies in the area.  

The company is providing apartment units at a reduced rate to CCS clients for the next year. They’ve also taken the extra step to fully furnish the units, and add personal touches that the families may need, such as cribs or toys for children. This effort has been spearheaded by Jaime Call, Wasatch Group's Environment, Social, and Governance Coordinator.

“We wanted to make their transition to their new homes a little more comfortable,” Jaime said. “This is a world away, it’s different. This is a lot to take in for all of them.” 

According to the Wasatch Group's CMO, Kainoa Clark, the company prioritizes ways in which it can make a lasting impact in situations such as this one. 

“These are people who are coming into our communities,” Kainoa said. “We want to give them the best foot forward for their new life here. We want people to be self-sustaining, and I know CCS has that same value set.” 

In line with that goal, the company recently held an employment fair for CCS clients. Many were connected with job openings within the Wasatch Group’s property management team. Others will be referred to various companies owned by the Wasatch Group based on their qualifications. 

The impact of this partnership has gone both ways. According to Jaime and Kainoa, they’re incredibly grateful for the impact their new refugee friends have had on their lives as well.  

For Jaime, that looks like an increased level of empathy.  

Throughout this process, Jaime has seen clients both celebrate in their new homes and grieve for the homes they’ve lost. 

“I think that’s why it’s important to bring this awareness to our communities,” Jaime said. So when we're interacting in a grocery store or on the street, we are sensitive to what they’ve experienced.” 

Kainoa recalls a day in which he and other Wasatch Group employees had lunch with CCS clients. That day a simple smile from a two-year-old boy impacted him in a large way. 

“He just looked at me and smiled and I just lost it,” Kainoa said. “Because you realize in those moments that this little boy has a future and the sacrifice that his parents and family members and others gave so that he can be here. ” 

On behalf of the Wasatch Group, Kainoa encourages other companies and individuals to get involved as well.  

“We would hope that every business and every person would have the opportunity to have those shared experiences,” he said. 

If you or your company are interested in providing employment opportunities to recently resettled refugees, please email our Job Developers atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

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